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Open handed certainty

End Times, Conspiracies and The Church Who Cried ‘Wolf’
23rd August 2020

blog 2

Theology unfortunately does not always afford us the luxury of being dogmatic on every single issue.


Theology unfortunately does not always afford us the luxury of being dogmatic on every single issue. In mathematics, 1+1 will always equal 2. In history, the Berlin wall will always have fallen in 1991 - okay I was always rubbish at history and had to Google that! My point is this though, whilst many other disciplines operate within certitude, the study of the Bible often produces beliefs of various shades across the black and white theological spectrum. What I have come to realise, now more than ever, is that there are many ways to interpret the Bible - we need to look no further than the many flavours of denominations that surround us.

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